CPR AED First Aid

CPR Quick Reference

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Adult CPR (over 12 yrs)
1 Check the Scene  - make sure it's safe
2 Check the Victim  - tap and shout
3 Call for Help  - Have someone call 9-1-1
      If alone, Call 9-1-1, then do CABs
Compression  - 30 times in 15 to 18 seconds
Place heel of one hand in center of chest with your other hand on top and compress at least 2 inches
Airway  - tilt head back, lift chin to open airway.
Breathing  - Take normal breath, pinch victim's nose closed and give a breath until chest rises.
Give a second breath. Take 1 second per breath.
If chest doesn't rise, open airway again.
Repeat C - A - B  until help arrives or victim breathes
Child CPR (1 to 12 yrs)
1 Check the Scene  - make sure it's safe
2 Check the Victim  - tap and shout
3 Call for Help  - Have someone call 9-1-1
      If alone, do 5 CABs, then call 9-1-1
Compression  - 30 times in 15 to 18 seconds
Place heel of one hand in center of chest with your other hand on top and compress about 2 inches
Airway  - tilt head back, lift chin to open airway.
Breathing  - Take normal breath, pinch victim's nose closed and give a breath until chest rises.
Give a second breath. Take 1 second per breath.
If chest doesn't rise, open airway again.
Repeat C - A - B  until help arrives or victim breathes
Infant CPR (under 1 yr)
1 Check the Scene  - make sure it's safe
2 Check the Victim  - tap and shout
3 Call for Help  - Have someone call 9-1-1
      If alone, do 5 CABs, then call 9-1-1
Compression  - 30 times in 15 to 18 seconds
Place two fingertips of one hand in center of chest and compress 1 1/2 inches
Airway  - tilt head back, lift chin to open airway.
Breathing  - Take normal breath, cover victim's nose and mouth and give a breath until chest rises.
Give a second breath. Take 1 second per breath.
If chest doesn't rise, open airway again.
Repeat C - A - B  until help arrives or victim breathes

This free CPR card provides easy access to instructions for performing CPR. Keep the card in your purse or wallet and review it whenever you clean out old receipts or are stuck in a boring meeting. A quick reference CPR card is not a replacement for CPR training - get trained today and be ready to help out when accidents happen.


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